Thank you so much for your response Haia. It's really touching to have you see my/our grief when you have so much of your own. Please know that so many of us in Israel also feel the pain of the Palestinian refugees in the diaspora, and that of everyone in Gaza and the West Bank. I'm sure it's heavier and more personal for you, but just know that we think about you all the time.
I do hope that one day will feel more welcome in Jordan and be treated equally, but I also hope that you can come back to where your grandparents were born. I know it's a small piece of land, but I have to believe there is enough room for all of us. Thank you for seeing that those of us born there also feel this strong connection to the place, that we can't change where we're from. My parents and I were both born there, and my grandparents... well, they're all gone now except my grandma, but they all had nowhere to go, like you said. Nothing to go back to. I do hope we manage to make this place somewhere you can go back to and where none of us have to go all of this suffering.
Thank you again, I really appreciate your words and am thinking about you and your family.